Odds and ends

Moving Image, 1.5G.01.026

Created 1979 – 2004
July 1979, Montreal Jazz Festival ("Take Five"); ca. July 1988, Montreux ("Blue Rondo" with comments); March 8, 2000, Piano Grand (intro for Dave, how he wrote the tune, "Dziekuje," applause); April 24, 2000, "Bach to Brubeck" TV news (news segment intro, comment over piano solo, figured-bass comments, "Take Five" with comments, on criticism, comment over piano solo); November 8, 2002, Salzburg, Austria (arrival in Salzburg, intro for "St. Louis Blues," "St.Louis Blues," influences from all cultures, "Take Five," applause and award); May 16, 2004, A&E Breakfast with the Arts (on Milhaud, on travelling, on composing, on doing Time Out); July 9, 2004, the Hague (intro with clips, on doing Time Out, on composing, "London Flat, London Sharp," applause, "Take Five" ); September 2004, Post Office Blue Rondo advertisement ("Blue Rondo" cut for Post Office advertisement).
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