"Kriedt Reunion Session"
Audio, 1.4B.007.012
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Created September 10, 1957 – January 12, 1958
Scotch 190 1/4" x 1800' on 7" reel-to-reel; 7.5 ips; mono
Strolling (3:22), Darien Mode (4:34), Shouts (4:00), Pieta (5:58), (Chorale) Forget-Me-Not (4:12) [9-10-57]; Divertimento (5:17), Prelude (3:55) [1-11-58]; Leo's Place (5:20), Three Little Words (7:50), Zackly Like You (8:00) [1-12-58]. Timings suggest these are tracks used on Fantasy 3268, except Shouts; note discrepancy between recording date assigned by Fischer and that indicated on tape.
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