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Stephen A. Crist, "Jazz as Democracy? Dave Brubeck and Cold War Pol..., 2009
Paper, 1.1D.03a.020c
James Lamperetta, "Dave Brubeck Interview Questions," The Saratogia..., February 4, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012a
Ian Marcus Corbin, "Great Art Survives: A Conversation with Dave Br..., February 27, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012b
Robert Kaye, "Interview with Dave Brubeck", April 11, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012c
William M. Skoog, "An Interview with Dave Brubeck," Choral Journal, May 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012d
Keith Hatschek, Oral Interview with Jim Brancroft, June 3, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012e
Jean Levin, "L'amour planait sur ce groupe," Jazz Magazine, September 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012f
Seamus Gallivan, "In Key of B," The Buffalo News (New York), October 9, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012g
Brubeck Raw Interview Audio, 2009
Paper, 1.1D.08b.012h
"Dave Brubeck naszym Gosciem," Głos Wielkopolski (Poland), April 27, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02b.016q
Emily Cary, "Dave Brubeck Quartet back in D.C.," Washington Examine..., June 8, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013a
"For Dave Brubeck, 88, It's Still Jazz Time,", June 21, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013b
Howard Reich, "Dave Brubeck returns to the piano -- at age 88," Chi..., June 23, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013c
Jason Koransky, "A Curious Relationship," Down Beat, July 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013d
Michael Hochanadel, "Jukebox: Dave Brubeck, Michael Jackson both gi..., July 2, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013e
Mike Dohert, "Montreal Jazz Festival: Dave Brubeck, Miles from Indi..., July 5, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013f
"Dave Brubeck To Receive Berklee Honorary Doctorate," Jazz News, August 20, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013g
Mark Lombard, "Dave Brubeck: Making a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord," ..., October 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013h
Michael G. Mooney, "Time Out with Dave Brubeck," Pacific Review (UO..., 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013i
"The Masters," Downbeat, October 2009
Paper, 1.1E.02c.013j
Von Martin Woltersdorf, "Bei den hits reihte sich solo an Solo," Ko..., November 2, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05a.013w
Vivien Schweitzer, "Music in Review," The New York Times (New York), October 6, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011aaa
Greg Haymes, "Brubeck proves status as national treasure," Times Union, October 16, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011bbb
Andrea Canter, "In His Own Sweet Way: Dave Brubeck at the Dakota," ..., November 6, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011ccc
Carl Abernathy, "Dave Brubeck Quartet at Purdue," Cahl's Juke Joint, November 12, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011ddd
Rita Lussier, "Dave Brubeck took us on a tour of heaven," The Provi..., December 16, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011eee
Charles Ganz, "Dave Brubeck, Tony Bennett," Associated Press, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011fff
Julian Taylor, "Let Freedom Swing: A Celebration of America," Jazz ..., March 9, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011pp
Norman Meehan, "Paul Desmond's Melodic and Logical Alto Saxophone S..., May 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011qq
(jsoeder), "Jazz legend Dave Brubeck and his quartet journey to Oz ..., June 7, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011rr
Matt Schudel, "Dave Brubeck: Live Last Night," The Washington Post ..., June 12, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011ss
Anna Reguero, "Brubeck still has that beautiful beat at 88," RockNo..., June 18, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011tt
J. D. Considine, "Octogenarian jazz legends bring down the house," ..., July 7, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011ww
Charles J. Gans, "Tony Bennett, Dave Brubeck spin magic in first pe..., August 11, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011xx
Paul Wilner, "Making Some Joyful Noize at MJF52," Monterey County W..., September 17, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011yy
Charle Donelan, "Dave Brubeck at the Lobero," Santa Barbara Indepde..., September 28, 2009
Paper, 1.1E.05b.011zz
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