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Distributions of videograms of "Jazz Casual", March 22, 2000
Paper, 1.1B.18.008a
Permission and Release contract for "JAZZ", May 17, 2000
Paper, 1.1B.18.008b
Roxanne Stites, "Brubecks honored at UOP," Stockton Record (Califor..., May 20, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015a
Stephen A. Crist, "The role and meaning of the Bachian chorale in t..., 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015b
Susan Young, "Brubeck considers return to California," San Ramon Va..., July 14, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015c
Philip Clark, "In his own sweet way," Jazz Review, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015d
Ilse Storb, "Dave Brubeck und seine Lehrer," Jazz Podium, December 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015e
Carl Nosse, "The Brubeck Institute", 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015f
Erin Essnmacher, "Content of Brubeck material at the Library of Con..., 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015g
"Dave Brubeck -- Biography", 2000
Paper, 1.1D.03a.015h
David Kaufmann, "Dave Brubeck is coming to town," Chattanooga Outlook, February 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003a
Jay Harvey, "Rigorous schedule has Brubeck rolling," Indianapolis S..., June 14, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003b
Susan Young, "Brubeck considers return to California," San Ramon Va..., July 14, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003c
Terry Loncario, "Still taking five," Chicago Star (Illinois), September 21, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003d
Phil Johnson, "Living Legend: Still Swinging at 80," Living Music (..., 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003e
Margaret Plevak, "Mass leads jazz great to Catholicism," Catholic H..., November 2, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003f
Elaine Schmidt, "Brubeck bringing Mass with local ties" (Milwaukee,..., November 15, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003g
Owen McNally, "Jazz Pianist Dave Brubeck, About to Become An Octoge..., December 3, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003h
Berthold Klostermann, "Ein Leben lang Hinhoren," Fono Forum (Germany), December 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003i
Barbara Isenberg, "Conversation with Dave Brubeck," State Arts, 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003j
Werner Stiefele, "Hinter mir liegen zwei Leben" Focus 49 (Germany), 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003k
Georg Hirsch, "Interview with Dave Brubeck," Deutsch Land Funk (Ger..., 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.003l
Caroline C. Crawford. Dave and Iola Brubeck: a long partnership in ..., 1999 – 2000
Paper, 1.1D.08b.009c
Anonymous, "List of Tunes Richard Has Received Recently", 2000
Paper, 1.1D.11.017l
Tim Bird, "Dave Brubeck: Take eighty," Blue Wings, March – April, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004a
"Herr Cool," De Gelderlander, April 21, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004b
"Brubeck honored at UOP," Stockton Record (California), May 20, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004c
"Brubeck wird 80," Kultur in Duisburg (Germany), July 6, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004d
Kit Pfeiffer, "All that jazz," Portland Phoenix (Maine), September 1, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004e
"Top musicians visit Stockton Symphony," Modesto Bee (California), September 10, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004f
"Elsewhere---Stockton Symphony Association," Sonora Union Democrat ..., September 28, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004g
"Video files," Jazz Times, September 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004h
William Randall Beard, "Brubeck's Christmas music shines in Plymout..., December 4, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004i
Richard Evidon, "The (musical) joy of Christmas at Plymouth," Star ..., December 4, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004j
"Der gute Amerikaner," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zietung (Germany), December 7, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004k
"Gewinner und Verliere," Frankfurter Zeitung (Germany), December 7, 2000
Paper, 1.1E.02c.004l
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