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Dan Brubeck
Matthew Brubeck
Howard Brubeck
Elizabeth "Bessie" Ivey Brubeck
Howard "Pete" Brubeck
Henry Brubeck
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Oreen Zeitlin
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Mario Zamparelli
A. Zabzina
Victor Young
Trummy Young
Maureen Young
Joseph Young
H. G. Young, III
Vincent Youmans
Gordon Yonge
Peter G. Yoko
Jaroslava "Jarda" Ymramansky
Roger Yates
Peter Yarrow
Ruth E. Yardumian
Scott Yanow
Jerome C. Yanoff
Catherine Brubeck Yaghsizian
Arne Yaghsizian
Tom Brubeck
Shannon Brubeck
Philip Brubeck
Michael Brubeck
Matthew Brubeck
Marjorie H. Brubeck
Susan Wright
Rebecca Wright
Philip Wright
Phil Wright
Peter Wright
Gladys Wright
Eugene Wright
Edmund Wright
Al Wright
Joanne Woodward
Dick Woodward
Dan Brubeck
Chris Brubeck
Catherine Morphet Brubeck
Catherine Brubeck Yaghsizian
Catherine Morphet
Bill Brubeck
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Maynard Frank Wolfe
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C. Webb Williams
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Doris E. Wilke
Jim Wilce
Sven Wielandt
David Widelook
K. Robert Whittemore
Vernon Whitlock
Myrtle Whitlock
Le Roy Whitlock
James Whitlock
Iola Brubeck
Charles Whitlock
Bonnie Whitlock
Beverly Whitlock
Tom Whitelock
William Whitehead
Edward Whitehead
Will L. White
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F. J. Whelan
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Buddy Walter
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Eleanor Wally
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Don Walker
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Frederick Von Schenck
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Art Vincent
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Carlo Verri
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Jim Vauthrin
Carla Vauthrin
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Jack Vartoogian
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Arno Van Vught
Carl Van Vechten
Margot Van Kriedt
David Van Kriedt
Bret Van Kriedt
Jimmy Van Heusen
C. J. van Hartingsveldt
Mark Van Doren
Nico van der Stam
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Libby Van Cleve
Jan Van Bree
H. C. "Chris" Van Brakel
Valentine Musikverlag
Valentine Music Co.
Luis Valdez
Jorma Vaisanen
Don Ury
Tom E. Urich
Suzanne Urban
Emilio D. Uranga
Jean Uppman
University of Georgia Jazz Ensemble
Suzanne Unger
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Roy Tresadern
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Tomato Record Company
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Bob Thornton
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Larry A. Thompson
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The White House
Julius Thaler
Neil Tesser
Lillian Terry
Clark Terry
St. John Terrell
Juanita Tennant
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Telarc Jazz
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Saundra Taylor
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Michael H. Taylor
Fred Taylor
Deirdre Taylor
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Ken Tate
Lisa Taravella
Rosalie Tarabini
Mark Taplin
George S. Tanouye
Lee Tanner
Peggy C. Tanger
Akira Tana
Charles H. Tally
Stephen Talley
George W. Tall
Alvin C. Talbot
John D. Takas
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Peter Symes
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Ward Swingle
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Pieter Sweens
Don Swander
Taylor Swainson
Neil Swainson
Mary Swain
Bob Swain
Laurence M. Svirchev
Linda Svendsen
Janet Suzman
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Helen Sutherland
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Rob Sumowski
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Joe Sullivan
Henry Sullivan
Gordon Sullivan
James A. Sugar
Joe Stuessy
Roxy Stroud
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Fred Straub
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Jack Strachey
Jim Stovall
Shelby Storck
Ilse Storb
Noel Paul Stookey
Lynan Stookey
Anne Stolley
Jerry Stoll
David Stoike
Stockton Symphony
Howard Stock
Ed Stiplon
Suzanne Stinson
Louis Stewart
Claire Stewart
Bill Stewart
Robert L. Stevens
Leo Stevens
John C. Stetson
David Sterret
A. Sternin
H. Lee Stern
Tjebbe Sterel
Sam Stept
Benny A. Stephenson
Dr. Erwin Stemmle
Carl Steinauer
Karla Steel
Joseph O. Stebbins
Eleanor Stavrou
Peter Stannard
Johnny Standley
Louis J. Standish
James A. Standifer
Julia Staigers
Waldemar Stachowiak
Elliott Sroka
Gail Springett
Tom Sprague
John Spooner
Don Spence
Frank Spena
Robert Spallina
Kristen Snow Spalding
Daniel M. Spahn
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Willie Sordillo
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Stephen Sondheim
Scott Sommerdorf
Sammy Somech
John Snyder
Robert Snell
Michael J. Snell
Ann Sneed
Liliana Arben Smoleniec
Willie "The Lion" Smith
Bill Smith
Virginia Smith
Roz Smith
Mack Gordon
Jerry Gordon
Jack Gordon
Daisy Gordon Smith
Lonnie Smith
Leslie C. Smith
Hedrick Smith
Frederick E. Smith
Dennis Smith
Daisy Gordon Smith
Boyd Y. Smith
Ann Robrecht Smith
Andy Smith
Allen Smith
Don Smiley
Louis-Edward Smart
Louis Edward Smart
Floyd Slotterback
Ellen May Slosberg
Jean Sloop
Christopher Slimon
John S. Slimm
Paul Slaughter
Robert Skinner
Ceil Skinner
Gary Skidmore
Lucille Skerston
Jack Six
Christine Sirignano
Richard Singer
Ranny Sinclair
Ranny Sinclair
Sen. Alan Simpson
Al Simpkins
Walter M. Simon
Seymour Simon
Nat Simon
George T. Simon
Morgan Simmons
Kelly Simmons
Mel Silverman
Alan H. Silverman
Guido F. Silva-Soares
J. Barry Silcock
Stuart Sigmond
Maurice Sigler
Sam Siegel
Richard E. Sieber
Gail Shute
Michael Shuford
Jack Shue
Donald W. Shriver
Bobby Short
Richard J. Shmaruk
Alyn Shipton
George Shimmon
Nathaniel Shilkret
Neil Sheunen
Pat Sherwin
Michael Sherwin
Robert L. Shepherd
Alan Shepherd
Tom Shepard
Phillip C. Shelton
Alexander Shell
Edward Sheehy
George Shearing
Pat Shay
Larry Shay
Jack Shay
Robert Shaw
Melville Shaw
Howard A. Shaw
David Shaw
Charlie Shavers
Ed Shaughnessy
Robert Share
Robert Shapiro
Eric Shambroom
Maurice Seymour
Pat Seward
Lynn Seth
Mark Serman
Lynn A. Sengstack
Tom Selleck
Boynton Selden
Betty Seddon
Shel Secunda
Patricia Seals
Bob Scully
Walter H. Scott
Ronnie Scott
Raymond P. Scott
Maurice Scott
Le Scott
Geraldine K. Scott
Ed Schwartzman
Dr. Stanley Schwartz
Bernice Schwartz
Arthur Schwartz
Ira Schuster
Frank Volker Schurig
Gary Schumm
Dietrich Schulz-Köhn
Dietrich Schulz-Koehn
Norbert Schultze
Robert Schuller
Gunther Schuller
Dee Schuck
Clement Schubert
Marlene Schroder
Bill Schrickel
Mark Schram
Jack Schrage
Wilhelm H. Schrader
Allen Schrader
Dick Schory
Betsy Schopler
Karheinz Scholz
Kent E. Schneider
Eric Schneider
Irene Schneidemenn-Nugent
Pete Schmitz
Ed Schmidt
Alan Schmautz
Jake Schlesinger
Willi Schlager
Henry A. Schiro
Uli Schirmer
Nick Schinker
Milan Schijatsky
John Schiebaan
Victor Schertzinger
Penelope Augustine
Don Schenk
F. C. Schang
Diethelm Schaffner
Manfred Schaffer
Richard Schaeffer
John Schaefer
Phil Schaap
Pietro Scanu
Pete Savitz
Henry Savage
Keith Saunders
Irene Saunders
Herman Saunders
Mary Jeanne Sauerwein
Allen Sauerwein
Bill Sauers
William Saroyan
Sarasota Jazz Club
Paul Sanzenbach
Johnny Sansone
Al Sansone
Russell Sanjek
Hank Sanicola
Marilyn L. Sands
Tito Sanders
John M. Sanders
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Sefton Samuels
Larry D. Samuels
Patricia Samson
Pat Samson
Edgar Sampson
James Salzand
Sal Salvador
John Salmon
Randall Salas
Nancy Salas
Rickey Sadd
Sacramento Symphony Orchestra
Helen Sachs
Erik Sabo
Arno Saar
Cornelius Ryan
Wyatt "Bull" Ruther
Peter "Madcat" Ruth
Russian National Symphony
Nadine Russell
Bob Russell
Harry Ruskin
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Vance Rundle
Dick Rundell
Andrew Rumianowski
Jean Rulach
Eustace Rulach
Max Rudolph
Geri Rudé
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Gary B. Rowe
Cameron Rowe
Bob Rowe
Bill Rowe
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Caroline Roth
Arthur Roth
Arnold Roth
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Barry Ross
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Adeline Rosenthal
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Penna Rose
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Edward J. Rosario
Bill Rorick
Peter Roper
Karen Ronald
Don Romeo
Sigmund Romberg
Alison Roman
Troy Rollins
Sonny Rollins
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Shorty Rogers
Daniel Roest
Barbara "Grutze" Roessner
Michael Roeder
Tom Roed
Norman Roe
Reg Rodriguez
Richard Rodgers
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Ray Robinson
Peter Robinson
Perry Robinson
J. Russel Robinson
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Richard A. Roberts
Gary Roberts
Dave Roberts
Robert Bowman & Assoc.
Francisco Robbe
Max Roach
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Barbara Ritchie
Annette Riney
Mary Rinewell
Estelle Rimer
Beverly Rimer
O. Rigieou
Marion Riedel
Albert Riedel
Bill Ridley
Marga Ridder
Serge Richts
Elizabeth Richelsen
Laurie Richards
Hayden Richards
Donald Richards
Alan Rich
Pat Rice
Jean Rice
Claire Rice
Sisto Riccardo
RIAS Big Band
Lawrence Rhodes
Herb Rhodes
Helen Rhodes
Harold Rhodes
George I. Reynolds
Paul Reuter
Daniel G. Reuning
Scott Reuman
Danuta Reszetin
A. Guillermo Renero
Otis T. Rene, Jr.
Leon T. Rene
Thomas Rendon
Henri Renaud
Jack Reilly
Edna Reil
Lisa Reid
Alastair Reid
Howard Reich
Regency Pictorials
Bill Regan
Bernard Reeves
Pamela Reeve
Lois Reedy
Bruce Reedy
Bill Reedy
Rex Reed
H. Owen Reed
Lewis Redner
Joshua Redman
David Redfern
Maruizio Reberschak
William H. Readinger
Andy Razaf
Margie Raymer
Don Raye
Bill Ray
Dennon Rawles
Warren Rauth
Don Ratto
Betty Ratto
Nat Ratner
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JazzOpen Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (4)
"A Brubeck Family Christmas," San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco, California (3)
"A Night of Jazz with the Dave Brubeck Quartet", University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (6)
"Bach and Sons, Brubeck and Sons," Handel and Haydn Society Orchestra, Boston, Massachusetts (5)
"Brubeck at the Vineyards," Saratoga, California (4)
"Deiv Brubyek v Moskvye," Moscow, Russia (5)
"Over Easy" with Hugh Downs, KQED (4)
"Stunde Eins," Vienna, Austria (2)
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Jazz Impressions of Japan (5)
Jazz Interwoven (5)
Live at the Berlin Philharmonie (5)
Paper Moon (5)
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Stardust (7)
The Dave Brubeck Quartet At Carnegie Hall (5)
Time Further Out (Miro Reflections) (6)
Time Out (5)
Tritonis (5)
Truth Is Fallen (14)
We're All Together Again For The First Time (5)
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"Farewell" Jingle Bells (1)
"Homecoming" Jingle Bells (1)
'S Wonderful (2)
(Back Home Again In) Indiana (2)
(I Dream Of) Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair (1)
(I Still Am In Love With) A Girl Named Oli (1)
(I'd Like To Get You On A) On A Slow Boat To China (1)
(I'm Afraid) The Masquerade Is Over (2)
(My Little) Margie (3)
(Our) Love Is Here To Stay (2)
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Brubeck/Desmond 1975: The Duets (3)
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Time Out (5)
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Two Generations of Brubeck/Brother, The Great Spirit Made Us All (9)